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Welcome to our site, dedicated to all things Motorola DSP56300.

We are a group of people who are currently Reverse Engineering and Emulating the Motorola DSP563xx

This DSP has been used in plenty of virtual analogue synthesizers and other musical gear that was released after around the mid 90s, such as Access Virus A, B, C, TI / Clavia Nord Lead 3 / Waldorf Q, Microwave II / Novation Supernova, Nova and many others.

Want to be part of the community? Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/WJ9cxySnsM

VSTi User Interface for Virus A, B & C
VSTi User Interface for Virus A, B & C

Here is a video of the emulator in action, you can grab a copy of our various emulators from our downloads pages on the menu bar.

Comparison: Access Virus TI vs DSP56300 Emulator with Access Virus C ROM

Articles featuring our Project








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Litecoin: LTiZbcJZfby2TxtXwmkf3RjA7C7qnijVzG