OsTIrus Downloads

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Please read these instructions carefully to save our Discord Server from being overloaded with questions regarding the setup of the emulator.

Performance Test Download Links

If you are curious about how well your system will perform while running the emulator, please download and run the test program from one of the following links below to see if your CPU is capable of handling it. The Firmware for the Virus TI will need to be placed in the root of this folder for it to work (we can not provide Firmware files, so you will need to make your own arrangements)

Win / Mac / Linux x64 / Linux aarch64

Once you have downloaded the test program run the virusTestConsole.exe file by itself to execute the test running the Factory Demosong.

As the Virus TI runs each DSP at 133 MHz a combined result for both DSPs of 266 MIPs or more is needed to run it.

The Virus TI Snow uses 1 DSP at 163 MHz, so 163 MIPs is needed to run it in Snow mode (currently not a configurable option for the Performance Test utility).

Emulator Downloads Links

OsTIrus Emulator for Access Virus TI/Snow version 1.3.12:

WindowsMacLinux x64Linux aarch64
VST2 .deb
VST3 .deb
CLAP .deb
LV2 .deb
VST2 .rpm
VST3 .rpm
CLAP .rpm
LV2 .rpm
VST2 .deb
VST3 .deb
CLAP .deb
LV2 .deb
VST2 .rpm
VST3 .rpm
CLAP .rpm
LV2 .rpm

The full content of builds including FX version of the plugins or older builds can be found in our repository here.

MacOS Catalina+ users, read this

The plugins are not signed, if you get a warning such as “OsTIrus.xxx cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified”, please execute the following command in a terminal to allow execution of our binaries. There is one command for each plugin format, execute them according to what you have downloaded:

sudo xattr -cr /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/OsTIrus.vst3
sudo xattr -cr /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/OsTIrus.vst
sudo xattr -cr /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/OsTIrus.component
sudo xattr -cr /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/CLAP/OsTIrus.clap
sudo xattr -cr /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/lv2/OsTIrus.lv2

Change Log

OsTIrus 1.3.14 (2024.05.12)


- [Imp] Added warning message if running under Rosetta as performance will be bad
- [Imp] Added 'Panic' menu to send All Notes Off / reboot device

- [Imp] Rename "db" to "dB" in all gain context menus (mkruselj)
- [Imp] Column breaks for dropdown menu based parameters improved (mkruselj)
- [Imp] Selecting the same skin again reloads it, useful for skin
developers (mkruselj)

- [Fix] Do not crash if a skin cannot be loaded

Patch Manager:

- [Imp] Added context menu setting to hide duplicates by name
- [Imp] Added options to add/remove patches to/from tags, categories & favourites
via context menu
- [Imp] "Save" buttons now have more options: Allow to save to any
existing user bank or create a new one automatically if there is none yet

- [Fix] Name of user bank not displayed in patch information panel
- [Fix] Fix possible crash when loading cache
- [Fix] List ordering incorrect when being loaded from cache
- [Fix] Tags/Favourites got lost in some circumstances
- [Fix] Typo "Deleted Selected" in patch context menu (mkruselj)


- [Imp] Allow to select global midi channel via context menu if not in Multi Mode
- [Imp] Modulation Destinations are now sorted

- [Fix] Removed Tone knob for Curry & Chili overdrive modes as it doesn't have any effect
- [Fix] Oscillator 2 Interpolation & Local Detune knobs were swapped
- [Fix] Removed delay mode parameter from tape delays
- [Fix] Midi Controller 40 displayed Vocoder Carrier Center Frequency instead of Cutoff
in LCD
- [Fix] LCD text was not properly vertically centered

OsTIrus 1.3.12 (2024.04.22) first public release


- [Fix] VST3 plugins were rejected by some hosts on macOS


- [Imp] Add ability to turn off pulsating logo animation, either click on the logo or
toggle it via context menu

- [Fix] Delay Time knob is now disabled if not applicable
- [Fix] Invalid bytes embedded in sysex messages
OsTIrus 1.3.11 (not released)


- [Imp] Added disclaimer about ROM usage
- [Imp] Add warning message if a Midi port cannot be opened because it is already in use
- [Imp] Third-party skins are now expected to be in a folder that is named like the plugin:
skins_PlugName, for example skins_Osirus.
Currently selected skins are still loaded and you can export the current skin to
disk to create the new folder automatically. Move other skins to the new
folder manually.

Patch Manager:

- [Imp] Database is now cached so subsequent loads are faster. If a datasource needs to be
updated, right click and select "Refresh" to force a rescan
- [Imp] Added a default text "Search..." to search boxes independent from the used skin
- [Imp] Allow to add multiple files/folders at once when adding datasources

- [Fix] Info about selected patch not updated when patch renamed or tags modified


- [Imp] Adjusted default Master Volume to 92 to match the TI hardware in USB mode

- [Fix] Plugin may crash if a patch data source folder contains files not belonging to presets


- [Fix] Midi indicators on parts blocked mouse clicks, making it difficult to select a part
- [Fix] Added missing Reverb Predelay knob if predelay clock is set to Off
- [Fix] Removed invalid entry in Arp clock selection
- [Fix] Do not crash if no ROM is found
OsTIrus 1.3.10 (2024.04.07)

- [Fix] Corrupted audio on ARM CPUs
- [Fix] Part volume knob for part 1 was bound to selected part instead of part 1
- [Fix] Soft Knob 3 destination wasn't loaded from existing patches
- [Fix] Selecting a ROM preset via part drop down didn't work after switching to
another ROM

OsTIrus 1.3.9 (2024.04.06)


- [Imp] Small performance optimizations

- [Fix] DSP thread not set to high priority on Mac/Linux


- [Imp] Upgraded Juce to version 7.0.10
- [Imp] Plugin window can now have an arbitrary size by dragging the bottom right corner
- [Imp] Added support for the LV2 plugin format
- [Imp] Added options to Save button to allow storing the current preset in a user bank

- [Fix] VST3 packaging corrected for Windows & Linux to match V 3.7+ specification
- [Fix] Patch Manager: Failed to parse folder that contains UTF-8 characters
- [Fix] Patch Manager: Selection was not updated when a part is saved to a user bank
- [Fix] Knob movement via mouse wheel didn't update automation & parameter display


- [Fix] Crash if preset is selected in Single mode while parameters are locked
- [Fix] Part Volume knob did not work in Single mode


- [Imp] Reduced host CPU consumption
- [Imp] Soft Knobs are now implemented
- [Imp] Add ability to switch between TI2 and TI Snow
- [Imp] Added LFO LEDs (TI2 only, because the Snow doesn't have LFO LEDs)
- [Imp] Added part activity indicator LEDs
- [Imp] Added pulsating Logo animation that existed on the hardware too
- [Imp] GUI: Added Snow Logo on Snow Device / added Snow part view
- [Imp] Added Master Volume in Common Section
- [Imp] Added Arp user pattern visualization

- [Fix] Notes were dropped when the DSP reached its internal maximum of 55 voices
Note that this behaviour can still occur if you overclock the DSP. There is
currently no way around it if the firmware is not patched
- [Fix] Some patches generated corrupted audio, for example 'AoilioA BC'
- [Fix] Chorus Mix and Chorus Mix 2 had the same automation name
- [Fix] Hyper Chorus did not work
- [Fix] Various GUI issues in FX sections Distortion, Characters, Chorus, Filterbank, Reverb
- [Fix] Cutoff 2 is reset to center on double click instead of max
- [Fix] Fixed typo in Matrix Section
- [Fix] Performance issues when tweaking knobs
OsTIrus 1.3.8 (2024.03.11)


- [Imp] Performance improvements
- [Imp] Reduce host memory consumption


- [Imp] Patch Manager added. The patch manager replaced the old preset browser and provides a modern 
        user experience to manage presets. Introduction:
Patch Manager Introduction
- [Imp] The DSP can now be underclocked/overclocked via context menu between 50% and 200%. This is an advanced setting that needs to be confirmed before activation More info:
Advanced Setting: DSP overclocking/underclocking
- [Fix] Parameter value change by double-click on knob to reset it was not sent to host for automation - [Fix] Linked parameters confused Bitwig / Ableton and other hosts - [Fix] Long plugin loading times in some hosts due to excessive initial parameter automation updates - [Fix] Part context menu and global context menu opened at the same time on right click Osirus/OsTIrus: - [Imp] Parameter regions can now be locked/unlocked via a context menu. Locked parameters do not change when a preset is loaded. This is useful for example if you want to keep an Arp pattern while searching for a preset, etc. - [Imp] Added output gain adjustment to context menu (already present in Vavra before) - [Imp] The Midi Receive Channel of a part in Multi Mode can now be adjusted by right clicking on the part select button - [Imp] Patches can now be copied to other parts via drag & drop - [Imp] Support more file formats to load presets from. All supported formats now are: .syx/.mid Virus A/B/C/TI/TI2 preset dumps .fxb/.vstpreset Presets saved by DAW from Virus Powercore and Virus TI Control Software .cpr Cubase Project Files .mid Virus A/B/C OS Update files that include Factory Presets - [Imp] Disabled poly pressure to control Page B parameters to prevent accidental patch changes by keyboards that emit MPE messages - [Fix] Virus A presets from a very old firmware failed to load OsTIrus: - [Imp] Removed demo restrictions (enabled save of plugin state, enabled preset export, removed demo banner) - [Imp] Device samplerate of 48 Khz is now supported, previously only 44,1 KHz was used for the Emulation. If 44,1 KHz or 48 Khz is used is automatically determined based on the host samplerate. - [Imp] The DSP code supports more samplerates than the hardware device was able to handle and ranges from 32 Khz to 96 Khz. The samplerate can be overwritten in the advanced options context menu. The chosen samplerate is preserved as part of the plugin state. Note that higher samplerates may reduce the voice count if the DSP is not overclocked. More Info:
OsTIrus / Virus TI with 96 KHz Sample Rate
- [Imp] Removed ROM banks that are empty anyway - [Fix] Plugin may hang if large buffer sizes are used - [Fix] AU validation failed if rom was present - [Fix] Reported latency adjusted for better midi timing GUI: - [Imp] Overall GUI polishing, improved graphics for disabled controls, various typos fixed - [Imp] Added Master Volume Knob to common page - [Imp] Reset Oscillator shape to Saw on double click - [Fix] Classic Oscillator waveform names were shifted by one - [Fix] Added missing Modulation Matrix Destinations - [Fix] Oscillator 2 FM Amount not shown in percent but as values 0-127 - [Fix] Delay/Tape Delay Feedback displayed wrong percentage values - [Fix] Comb Filter Frequency did not display note numbers but percentage values - [Fix] Part Detune knob displayed incorrect value and didn't update while being moved - [Fix] Cutoff, Filter Env by Velocity and Filter Resonance by Velocity were linked when Filter Link is active DSP: - [Imp] Small performance improvements Framework: - [Imp] Patch Manager: Second click on root tree items of category tree deselects the item - [Imp] Patch Manager: "Uncategorized" has been moved into the Categories group - [Fix] Patch Manager: Missing patches if a directory contains files with unicode characters OsTIrus: - [Imp] Reported latency slightly adjusted for better midi timing - [Fix] Part Detune knob displayed incorrect value and didn't update while being moved